Thursday, August 4, 2011

The loading has begun August 3, 2011

 Here's the trailer almost empty.  Note the shelf at the front to the trailer for's full by the time we're done loading.

 Here's the Kawi and the Beemer waiting to go in the trailer...note my cell phone in the box on the back of the Beemer....where it will be for over a week until we open up again in Calgary!

Here's the trailer almost fully loaded up.

Ok as you can see in the was the big load up day…and guess what?  We have had beautiful weather for so long…but today it decided to rain!

I had Ted give me a ride home to pick up my 2 side bags and tank bag all loaded up and ready to go, and to bring 2 duffel bags of riding gear and tie downs.  It was then off to Milestone Motorsports to pick up my bike after a long stressful day at work….  The bike was ready to go shortly after we got there so I put on the rain gear and Mike and I were off to Port Hope to load up into the trailer.  The rain hit really hard right about that time…401, pouring rain, trucks…yup lots of fun!

The loading took a while as there are about 15 bikes to go into the trailer and a tons of gear…..around 2 hours and my bike was the very last one to go in…but the first one out at the other end!!!

Copies of ownership and registration and a waver to sign and we're all set.  See you boys in Calgary!

1 comment:

  1. So I want to know why you aren't passing through the lovely province of Manitoba...could have given u a tour of the detachment...may be another time...
